Conversations July 26, 2021

Grocery Store:

Lady on the phone next to me:
And I set her up with a nice Christian man. She went and cheated on him with one of her loser ex’s.
Sure they have history! But he’s a loser. No job, no car. You know they type.
I know! It’s just as bad as a mommas boy!

Conversations July 25, 2021

Thrift Store

A lady with short shorts and a halter top was wearing 5” heels while she shopped.
Yes, she stood out. We were all looking.

A gentleman stopped to chat with her.

Man: “My! Those are quite the shoes.”

Lady: “They are much more comfortable then tennis shoes.”

Man:”Really? I would not think so.”

Lady:”It’s true. I wear them everyday. Even to work.”

Man: “Were do you work?”

Lady: “Filly’s Gentleman’s Club. I’m the best Filly!”

Man: “I bet you are.”

While cashing out, the phone rings and the cashier answers it while ringing me out.

Cashier:”Hello, Walkertown GW, how may I help you?”
Cashier: “Umm. Hold please.”

She called for the manager to come take the call.

Manager:”Yes ma’am, how may I help you this evening?”

Manger: “Ma’am, I would have no way of knowing that. You would have to come in to look.
Yes. Yes, we have white long sleeve tops.
Size Large, yes.
Well I’m not sure if they have stains on them.
No, we don’t wash things first. People donate as is.
$4.19 a piece.
All different brands.
Ma’am, we are open until 6, you will have to come in and check.
No, I can’t go look for you.
No, I have no way of knowing how many times the garments were worn.
Yes, button up blouses, that’s correct.
Well I don’t know if any buttons are missing.
No, there is no one here able to look for you.
I’m sorry ma’am we are not allowed to drop things off to you.
No, we also don’t mail things.
Okay now, you take care. Bye.

Manager to cashier: “Can you believe that women? What does she think we do down here. Unbelievable!”

Conversations July 24, 2021

Thrift Store

In line

Lady pushing an older woman in a wheelchair. A man walking next to them.

Lady: I think grandma is paying today, right granny? You said if we picked you up and took you out that you’d pay for everything. You are going to keep your word aren’t you?

Grandma in the wheelchair: Yes dear. I will pay. Are we through already? I am not ready to go back home yet dear.

Lady: We will be through after you pay.

Cashier rings everything up.


Man: Okay grandma, you heard the lady… $39.71.

Granny: Yes dear, just give me a minute to get my wallet out.

Granny pays and off they went…

Conversations July 19, 2021

Lots of Conversations took place at the thrift store today.

There were three women speaking freely next to me. Strangers, not friends. One liked what one of the other women had in her cart, so started up a conversation with her. And then another lady joined in.
They introduced themselves to one another.

Ruby, hazel, and Bette.

I didn’t want to gawk at them, so I’m not sure which was saying what, but here’s how the conversations went….

“Look what you found there. I use to have one of those back in the day. I sure hope it still works. Do you mind if I take a look?”

“Sure, go right ahead.”

“Works! How are you doing today?”
“Fine, and you?”

“Not bad”

“But I’m Not worried about myself but these kids nowadays. They are who I’m
Worried about. They tell me life is so much better then it was when I was their age but that’s not true. My granddaughter tells me that it must have been so sad to go through the Great Depression, and not having equal rights, but I tell her it was better then the way the world is now. It was! I’d gladly go back to those days in exchange to the warped, craziness of today.”

“Amen to that!”

“I’m 87.”
“I just turned 80 last week”

“I’m 82.”

“I’m worried about today’s kids. They will never know any other life other then this one.”

“I agree. I was at my grandsons party the other day. I don’t know why he had all his classmates there.
No one was even talking. They were all on their phones. That is the only thing they know what to do.”


“You don’t know me and I don’t know you guys, but here we are talking. Today’s youth would never even dare strike up a conversation with a stranger, let alone know how to keep one going.”

“I agree. And let’s not forget the fact that none of them even have any basis math skills. Do they no longer teach adding and subtracting in today’s schools?”

“The other day my bill came to
$9.52, and I handed the young girl a ten dollar bill and .52. She gave me a Twenty dollar bill back. I looked at her and just shook my head.
I got home and thought to myself, I’m rich!”
If these stores are hiring dodo brains, I’ll take how ever much money they want if to give me back.”

“I think a they need to be giving these kids a Math Drill on their applications.”

“Can’t do that. None of them would pass.”

“I have a similar story. My bill came to fifteen and change. I gave the boy a twenty and the exact change and he handed me a ten back.”

“They have no sense. None!”

“You have to tell them how much you need back. They just can’t count back change. Brain dead they are.”

I then walked across the store to where the clothing was.

What I thought was another woman standing next to me in a dress, was actually a man.

Man to me– “Honey, Do you think you can help me shop?”
“My aunt is about your size and I am just not good with shopping. She likes a bold floral fabrics.”

Me-“Okay. How about something like this?”
I held up a bold floral print Maggie Barnes blouse.

Man– “I think she may like that. But what if she doesn’t?”

Me-“Well then you can return it, or wear it yourself?” (Then I laughed. He didn’t find my joke funny and took the blouse and went on his way.)

I then shopped a bit more and then headed back to the hard goods to where the ladies were still loudly speaking to one another.

“My daddy raised me right! God Bless his soul. He said a thief and a lier are the two worst things you can ever be in life. I’ve tried to live an honest life. I miss him so much”

“Sometimes life throws you a curve ball. I nearly lost my life a couple of weeks back.
It made me stop my routine of thirty years. A dead stop! I have been sitting in my car reading my newspaper without my seat belt on for the past thirty years. I have my coffee and enjoy the peace and quiet that only my car provides. I’m

Sure you ladies know what I’m Talking about. A women’s car is the only place she can be alone.”

“Well it certainly isn’t the bathroom!”

“You got that right. Well. All of the sudden I was Hit in the back end. I Called 911. I was fine, but I did spill my coffee all over the place. The police offer asked why I wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. I told him that I have been in this same spot for thirty years reading my newspaper and drinking my coffee without wearing one. He didn’t write me a ticket. The man that hit me was texting and wasn’t paying attention to where he was going. I was mad as… well, I was very mad… But I decided that it was the good Lord that wanted me to choose a different spot to read my paper. I now park over in the library.”

“Oh Dear! That’s quite the story.”
“You are lucky to be alive.”

“Yes The USA is a great place to live.”

“I wanted to give granddaddy’s large military flag to my brother last week because I’ve been downsizing my house. I don’t want my things to be a burden on my kids when the lord calls me home. But when I offered the flag he said he’s ashamed to put one up. And for me to just throw it out! Can you even imagine that? Throw it out?! What’s wrong with him?!
He said he doesn’t want to stay in the USA because he’s not proud to be an American. I told him to forget the flag then and to take granddaddy’s boat paddles and paddle his tooty out of here then. If that’s the way he feels, I’ll give him the canoe too!”

“I agree. Shameful. My Daughter went to Africa, and came back and said she will punch the next person that she hears crying poor. And that no one better claim they are poor if they have clean drinking water, a roof over their head, clothes to wear and food to eat.”

“People are just do whiney and clueless.”

“Where do you live?”
“Here in town.”
“I live in one of the apartments my daughter owns. It’s nice. No rent. I like my son in law too.
He’s my son in law until something goes wrong, and then he’s my landlord who never fixes anything right.”

“Do you drive?”

“I do but my daughter doesn’t want me to, but I know I could still. I haven’t had a ticket in fifty years. I can still see just fine.”

“My children are good children, still on their first marriages so I guess I did them good.”

“What church do you go to?”
“I was born a Methodist but I haven’t found one that I like since moving here.”
“I’m a Baptist, KJV.”
“I’d be willing to try a Baptist if it’s any good.”

“Well you have now found yourself a church dear.”

“I’m sorry I had to take that call. My daughter and her family are going to Virginia Beach and asked me if I wanted to. They would pick me up tomorrow she said, but Absolutely not. I’m
Good right here. She said she worry’s about me but I’m fine. I’ve done all of that already. The trips. The noise. No, I’m fine with my simple life that I have now.”

“Same with me. Since my Henry passed, I’ve been a lot more relaxed. He was so sick and the stress was making my own health fail. I’m very happy now. My kids think I’m
Lonely but I’m just fine.”

“Well that’s good. Let me get your number, because I need to get going.”

“Maybe I’ll run into you again soon, it’s so nice talking to new people”

“I’ll be at the library parking lot tomorrow morning at 6am, if anyone wants to meet for coffee.”

“Okay. Bye.”

Conversations July 18, 2021

A lady was asking everyone in the Walmart parking lot for money and everyone was ignoring her, telling her no, or telling her to get lost.

She looked frail and very down on her luck to me.

As I walked closer to her I heard God tell me to bless her. I only had $18 on me, as I was planning on going to the Landry mat to wash some quilts later.

Before I could think about it, I found myself taking it out and handing it to her.
She said thank you and told me that she was hungry and would walk to Chick fa lay to eat.

When I got back into the car my husband told me that she was going to go buy drugs with the money and not eat.

I told him he was wrong.
If that was the case, why would God tell me to bless her?

We waiting in the parking lot and watched her go inside Chick Fa lay.

We pulled to the other side of the parking lot out of sight.

Moments later she came out empty handed and walked to the corner of the road and made an “exchange” with a random guy standing there.

My Husband was right. 😕

I just bought illegal drugs for someone and feel just awful.😭

How are we to know who is really hungry and who just wants a hit?

Conversations July 14, 2021

Man walked up to me at the thrift store: You Know Feet sweat in PVC leather. (Holding up sone men’s shoes) But that’s why I’m purchasing these genuine leather ones. For only $4. I will resole them. I mean I’ll have my daughter or son resole them for me for my birthday or Christmas. They are One size too big but I Love them. I had them back in the days before my luck ran out. Okay. Take care. Nice talking to you. I need to go pay for these shoes. Cashier to the man: Would you like to Round up sir? Man: I’m a 75 yr old handicap man, of course not!

Man pays and then turns to me in line again-

What did you find tonight? Nice basket
I once knew a girl Walnut Creek , California who kept her rabbits in a basket just like that. She’d hide them so her father wouldn’t butcher them. I’m not kidding you. This was before my luck ran out. Okay have a nice day.

I just listened to him…🙂

Are you just TOO MUCH?

Are you “too much” as a Christian?

Do you sometimes find yourself not fitting into any of the clicks? If so, I can relate.

Oftentimes I feel that I am too much.
I have actually been told that I am.
So I guess it’s true. 🤷‍♀️

Remember that our perceptions of who we are sometimes differ from that way others see us.

This is why it’s important to always be yourself. I am a high energy person (mentally) that on occasion, has been off putting to more laid back sort of people.

That said, Do not get wrapped up in being someone you think others will accept and like.

In these days of social media and online persona, many find it is hard to maintain their true identity.

There will be times in your adult life where you want to fit in with a certain group, but you just simply don’t click.

This may be where you are right now.

But I assure you that someday you will be fine with it.

I understand it very well. You want to be accepted and liked by all. You want good, likeminded Christian friends if you are a Christian or new transplant.

After all, iron sharpens iron. You need good friends in your life. Your family should come first, but they will not be around forever. So you need to have friends to share things with. Things that your family may not understand. Or worse, judge you on.

And it is true that our very close friends should be Christians that will uplift us and hold us accountable. People we can truly trust.

Our old friends were not these people. They weren’t bad people. In fact, you may have had many good times with them resulting in lifelong memories. But these friends were the ones going down the wrong path with you.

When you were not a Christian you probably had a whole lot of friends and everyone loved you.

You may find that you have little to no friends now and may be asking yourself what’s wrong. Why are you not accepted or liked?

Why isn’t anyone laughing with you anymore?
Or even smiling back at you.
Where are all the social Christian gatherings?
And why weren’t you invited?
I’ve been there before too.
This resulted in me turning back to my old friends who were not living for God. It’s easy to fall backwards when you have tried time and time again to move forwards and not get the results that you expect.

It’s okay that people who have grown up in a Christian home with a Christian family, who were taught their whole lives how a Christian should look like, and what a Christian should act like. etc, don’t find YOU to be their cup of tea. You may be seen as too much for them.

Don’t hold that against them! Don’t become bitter and unloving towards them.

Let them be social with each other. Let them remain with their current group of friends that they grew up with. This shouldn’t bother you for more then five minuets. 😉

It’s fine. Just let people be who they are.

Love regardless. Be polite when spoken. Refrain yourself from over sharing or telling any jokes that you know may make them feel uncomfortable. And so on..

You find your tribe of folks who like you. They are out there. I promise. If Covid had taught me anything it’s that people of all walks of life are lonely. We were created to live together and share with one another. Social beings. Some more then others.

Start praying now for God to bring you friends that understand you, and perhaps
Have had a pretty wild life before getting saved as an adult. People that you can relate too and share similar stories with… that led you to realizing that you needed a savior. Your testimony.
Those people are out looking for you right now!

I have come to the conclusion that those who have not grown up in a Christian household, oftentimes can be seen as “too much”. Or simply forgotten at times. I don’t think it’s intentional. I hope!

It could be your upbeat personality is the opposite of meek and quite. As a person of Faith.

If you are a man, you could be sharing offbeat jokes or dark humor that other men find UNchristian. Or weak in Christ.

From my observation, mature religious men like to hang socialize with other mature Christian men. The same for women.

Other offensive things could be certain movies that you find yourself quoting on occasion, that your Christian friends have never seen. Or worse, have heard about and were warned about as a child or teen.

Maybe slang words that you still find yourself using, while not entirely offensive, are not seen as ladylike. (I’m not talking about potty mouth or cussing) Personally, I find both offensive, even before I became a Christian.

I remember being taught that people who cuss in a face to face conversation are uneducated people who do not have the vocabulary skills to scan their brains for the right words.

So they choose to fill in the blank with a make believe cuss word/words. Or peer pressure if you are a teen or young adult
(This is what I was taught about cussing)

Please don’t get offended that I shared that if you cuss often. 🤪

Moving right along-

You may find yourself being judged when ever you speak in a Christian setting. I hope not, but you may. I certainly have. This is life.

Currently there is an older gentleman in my Sunday School class that speaks his mind each week. And while I find it a delight to see someone speak with zest and passion, some do not.
People that over share and are classified and judged as chatters/oversharers/talkers, are oftentimes times just passionate individuals.

Passionate about everything they speak about. More often then not, these are the group of people that are judged the most. More words shared that can be judged.

These are the people that I click best with. 😂
Not everyone does. And that’s okay. God made us all differently.
Protesters come to mind. While I don’t agree with most, I admire their passion and zest for their cause!

Just think about what type of missionary’s they would be if they were filled with the spirit of God. Wow!

You WILL be judged by your past if you did not grow up in a Christian home with Christian mannerisms and values. Heck, you will be judged is you did grow up in a Christian home with values and another Christian sees you acting or speaking a certain way that doesn’t line up with how they were taught.

People judge! Saved, unsaved. People judge one another every day. Again, life!

Right or wrong, we are humans and we judge others. That is never going to change.
What CAN change, is how YOU react to being judged. This is what CAN change. Reaction is everything.

So don’t get caught up in the illusion/ fairytale that once you join church you won’t be judged anymore.

You will be judged your whole entire life.

It starts in Kindergarten. Maybe before?
I have memories being in school and not having the right brand of sneakers on.
I felt sad that day.
The next day I showed up with the right brand and had the other boys and girls befriend me.
I have been judged by my school lunch before.
Why was I bringing it from home? Couldn’t my parents afford for me to buy a hot lunch?
I was judged by my Trapper Keeper. (Showing my age here)😆

I was judged because I wasn’t into sports so I joined a softball team and was then accepted by the sporty boys and girls. I quit after a month. I am not into sports. It wasn’t worth it. Those friends stopped talking to me after a month. But I made new friends. See?

I was judged by the boys I dated. The jobs I’ve had. Not learning to drive. Marrying out of my race. Living in the country. The way I eat; what I don’t eat, and so forth.

Currently I am being judged by my worldly mannerisms and smiling too much.

I’m judged for being a middle age woman who colors her hair. I am judged for primping all the time, tanning, my job, and not forcing my kids to go to college.
I’m judged for only buying second hand.

I recently was judged for taking my son across the country to meet a girl he met online last year.
Are you crazy? You must be crazy!
But at the end of the day….
So what?!

It use to sting getting judged.

Then it became a little itch.

Now I just don’t care.
I’m happy.

I’m living my life the way I want to and sleeping just fine at night.

The important thing to remember is….

Do not judge these people back.
Love them anyways and continue to just be your happy go lucky self.

Providing you are happy?! If you are not, you can start working on yourself and all the things making you unhappy.

Of course if you are bothered by any of the above, you can certainly train yourself to tone down some things.

Ex: When in the company of small groups, Sunday School, or out to dinner with friends who you do not know very well, just reduce your mannerisms by 10%. I would say 50%, but let’s be honest, I could not tone myself down 50%. 10%? Sure I can!

The same goes for those on the other end of the spectrum. Are you being judged by being a recluse or too quiet?

Train yourself to amp up by 10%. That’s doable. Just practice.

Bring 10% more energy to whatever social gathering you will be attending. Try it! 🙂

Having been a part of many denominations, since becoming saved, I have noticed that the most judgmental people fit into this one particular denom.

I will not say the one, because you may get offended if you go to this denom that starts with a capital B and has an IF in front of it.

This does not mean it’s a bad denom, as I feel their doctrine is pretty on point. The love and acceptance just needs tweaking. But that is not our job. We love. We pray. God does not need our help.

My advice to all the men and women that know they are being judged by their past, or current demeanor…would be to try to not let it harden you.

Don’t become bitter or turned off because judgement is everywhere.

It’s NOT the church, it’s the people.

Again, It’s NOT the church, it’s the people.

We all have baggage and are broken inside.

You do not go to church to please anyone.
You go to learn more about God with a body of broken believers.

Some will like you and some won’t like you.. And this is okay.

Back in your school days some kids liked you and others didn’t.
The same at your work place, and yes, the same at any church.
We are all imperfect people.

And if you ever find a school, job or church that is perfect, don’t you dare join because you will ruin it.

I can say from experience, that a non denominational church is mostly filled with adults that have found Christ in later life.
Very diverse.

I have never experienced any judgement in one before, not to say it wasn’t there, but I have never
experienced, or saw it and I belonged to one for six years.

When was the last time you were knowingly Judged? How did it make you feel?

Conversations July 12, 2021

At the park

Two ladies on the park bench

1-I know what you mean, we have always been punctual people. Especially to the games, but then we met… ummm… Michelle’s family and realized that they were not punctual people either. So now non of us care.

2-No one is ever punctual anymore. Times have changed and people are more relaxed and less uptight.

Basically, when everyone arrives, then we start.

Conversations July 10, 2021

Random men standing next to me at the grocery store. Late 20’s perhaps.

Man#1: “It’s not that I think my mother in law is crazy. She’s a nice women. It’s just that she saves everything. Absolutely everything. Even expired food!”

Man#2: “Like what does she do that’s crazy?”

Man#1: “I don’t think my mother in law is crazy. She’s a good woman. After all, she gave birth to me wife.”

Both men high five each other.

Man#1: “We went over yesterday to help her clean up her house. I tried to clean her refrigerator. The butter expired last year. Same with the sour cream and this yogurt stuff. I went to toss the butter and she said that it cost $4 and to not to throw it out.”

I tossed it and took $4 out of my wallet and put it on her table, which was also covered with junk. She’s not a bad woman.

I ended up leaving $30 total, on her table. My wife is back over there today and said the expired food is back in her refrigerator.”

Buddy: “Well, are you gonna go get your $30 back.”

Both laugh…

Conversations July 4, 2021

Goodwill Thrift Store

Lady with a mask on, on speaker phone with a friend.

Lady- “No ma’am I’m not back in the Lords House. They are all back inside now and hardly any one wears a mask I’m
Told. They seem to think that the vaccine is 100% Not me! I’m not going back to church until they bring the services back outside I guess.”

Person on phone- “ Me neither. I just watch it at home on YouTube. It’s better that way anyways. You don’t need to see or talk to anyone.”

Lady- “That’s the truth, why don’t you come on over next week and we can watch together and talk.”

Person in phone- “Sounds good. And don’t you worry, I got my shot!”

Lady-“Same girl! See ya then.”