Walmart Purse review

Shocking! I know.

I enjoy luxury items most of the time. I’m a confessing brand snob, if you will. Not proud. 

I sleep on vicose sheets.

I carry real leather bags.

I wear real leather coats.

I wear name brand clothing, unless I’m out sourcing.

I wear Quality shoes. 

You get the point. 

I wasn’t always this way. Not by a long shot. 

Maybe as you age, you just want to treat yourself better. If possible. I’m the same with my kids. Not that they care about brands. Except my oldest. 

Also; I should point out…nothing has to be brand new to me. I’d much rather have a used quality item then a brand new cheap one. I know many friends who insist on things being new. This is not me at all. Used, yet of good quality is fine by me. πŸ˜ƒ

Jumping into this review…
Erm…This perfect purse. 

While out grocery shopping a couple months ago, I decided to wiz through the the handbags; just for fun. 

My eyes went to a Big Buddha bag, which use to be a higher end brand. I examined the quality made Purses, which had $40-$50 price tags. 😳Much too much for Walmart, I quickly thought thought. 

Then I walked over to all the other bags. Like the one above. Not real leather, but for the $9.97 price tag… I picked one up to inspect. It didn’t feel like leather. But it felt okay. Zippers felt smooth and opened with ease. Adjustable strap. Stitching and seams were all straight. No loose threading. It looked and felt lightweight. All things I look at, before purchasing  a new bag. 
I have been looking for a cross-body purse that I could use while out sourcing, and thought that it would be a perfect little bag for the task.

I thought it would be a perfect hands free bag. 

They came in maroon, black, brown, hunter green, cream, and Navy. They looked like they had a place that another color was, but it must have been sold out. Awesome color selection too!

I chose the black one. I know. Boring..

I brought it home and my daughter quickly noticed the purse sticking out of the Walmart bag. 

 She gave me an odd look. “Walmart?” She questioned me. 

I told her that I needed something cheap that I didn’t care if it got dirty, etc. But more importantly, I needed something that would allow me to source with my hands free… because a fanny pack just wouldn’t fit around my fanny. 😏

That night I took everything out of my Calvin Klein bag, and placed it in my new ten dollar Walmart purse. Then I tried it on. You know, walked around the house with it. Hands free!

My husband saw me, and asked if I was going somewhere. I told him no.. then explained to him how I bought a special purse to use when I went out sourcing. 

Of course he didn’t understand. Men!? 😐

So where is this longgg drawn out story going….

In a nutshell: I source a few times a week and I found myself switching back and forth all month long… 

But then I found myself upset when I had kept switching back to my designer bags..😱

 I was actually missing my cheap little gem. 

This bag is the perfect medium size, hands free, bag. It is! 

It has just the right amount of pockets, and us set up so practical.

Cell phone slips easily on one side, which doesn’t have a snap or zipper closure. 

Stevia, Lippy, and pen in the other side. (Showing In the above picture) which does zip. 

Large inside with side zippered area for smaller stuff. I can for a full size wallet, notepad, more makeup, and first aid in the main pouch. 

The bag is the best $10 I ever spent!

So for the past month I have been solely carrying it. 

I was at a friends house the other day, when she noticed my bag and asked me which brand it was. Knowing that I only carry nicer bags..

I smiled,  and told her Walmart! 🀣

Her reply: Noooooo! 

So last night while out grocery shopping… I grabbed one in gray. I guess that’s the color that was sold out last time. 

Now I have one to switch over too when I want to look extra put together. 😁

There we go.. She’s all set! 😊

Fitbit charge 2

I originally got my Fitbit charge 2, to  track my walking, calories, weight, etc.. but soon became even more fasivated with the nightly sleep data it provides.

I’m just now learning that 20% of your sleep each night should be deep sleep. 

The first week I wore my Fitbit to bed I was only getting 39-45 mins of deep sleep per night.

Then I played around with different bedtimes. Taking melatonin or Valarian before bed. Earplugs in, Earplugs out..

To finally adjusting to what my body needs for it to revamp itself each night. And to wake up not tired.

Here’s last nights screenshot.

And if anyone has blogged about their Fitbit sleeping, share a link with me. πŸ™‚

Reseller Update

I’ve been so excited with a recent thrift hauls that Ive done. I try to source 3x a week. One morning, and two evenings. 

I have sourced about one hundred items in the past week. These beautiful shoes have been the best luxury item that I have ever come across. At least while living down here.

They are a size 9, and retail just under 1k. 

They are just stunning! 

I’ve also had some very good sales. One hundred and ninety in the past two months, to be precise. I’d love to hav that many sales in one month though. Goals!

I sold my chinchilla stole. I didn’t have it cleaned or have the tear repaired, and I still managed to get $70 for it. So that was a blessing. And yes, I was upfront about the imperfection. 

I also sold a vintage Patagonia fleece for $60.

I’ve also started selling more hard goods. 

Selling pieces of things. Coffee parts, vacuum parts, sports helmets, etc. all that can be easily found at the bins by the pound.

I also bought this old 1979 vintage crib sleeping bag. Honestly, looking at it makes me feel fertile… wanting to use it for another baby.. but I will sell it. πŸ˜”

It’s in perfect condition!  I’m actually thinking its never been used. I wonder what the story is on it…πŸ€”

Let me share a quick story.

I popped into the GW the other day to see if they still had a few 1950’s vintage Theodor purses that I saw the previous day, but didn’t pick up. They were all $3.75 each.

One was wool, which I almost bought for myself, simply because I love vintage things. But I didn’t. As I don’t dress in a vintage style. I’m simply not Petite. 

So I ran into GW to see if they still had the vintage handbags, and they did. I found four. And I bought them all. I also found my son a bunch of pants, to my surprise. 

Try finding size 29×34 in men’s jeans. It is obviously not a popular size. Which is why I have been buying him 30’s, and he just wears a belt.
But I found him three pairs of pants. So Yay!

When I got up to pay for the vintage handbags, I started looking inside each of them. I’ve opened Old bags before with creepy crawlers in them, so now I make it a point to check inside. 
Old mints, old bible tracks from 1976, a couple old pens, old bobby pins…

I started imagining who the owner might have been. Maybe a sweet old lady who passed out mints to all the children, and called everyone deary? 

Then I came across a note with a church pencil.

I won’t share the name on the note, to respect the family’s  privacy. Apparently, the owner was at church and was given the note that was asking where a particular family was…. that they have been tarty in service for a couple weeks now… and that was just awful. I left it in the bag…while continuing to romantasize the olden days in my head..

Then the cashier starts cashing me out and randomly starts sharing the story of the bags I was purchasing…. And just when I was picturing the sweet old lady making her Brunswick stew while with her beautiful handbag on the counter. 
The cashier said that a women came in last week with 150 vintage bags and 150 matching shoes. The shoes were all still in their boxes with the sales slips stapled to them.

Her mother had recently passed, she told the cashier…and was well known in the community for being a snazzy dresser. Hence so many bags and shoes.

She had no use for her mothers bags and shoes, so donated them all that day. 

Wow! If only I had popped in THAT DAY. 

The cashier told me that she was the one that priced everything to get it moved out quick. And that as soon as she began stacking the shoes in the back of the store, ONE LADY walked over and asked to purchase them all! 

She took every single pair of shoes that day. They were priced $4.29 per pair. 

She took most of the purses… and there I was buying the last of four of them.

I keep thinking about it. 

Would I have bought all the shoes to resell? 

I’m not sure. I guess if it would have felt right… I probably would have done the same. 

It’s hard to find vintage goods in near perfect, clean, wearable, condition nowadays. Especially for little money.

I’m happy to have these bags. I plan on selling three,  and keeping one for myself. Probably the wool one.

I went to a friends house yesterday to show her the vintage bags. Here’s where it gets even more interesting..

She opened the one bag and read the note, and then answered where, and why, that family left the church. All those years ago…She knew! 

Such a big world.. yet small. ❀️

Here is a picture of the vintage bags, in case anyone wants to see. πŸ™‚

A book, A big book…

Yes. I’m still in bed sick, so writing is a must…

And on a side note, this stuff here….Well, it makes you feel very good. Personally, it blows NyQuil out of the water.

It’s Walmart brand too. Only $3.74 a box. Not a bad price to knock your symptoms to the curb…so you can get on with your life…

<A Book. A Big Book~

I’ve always viewed my life as a book. I bet a lot of people do. Not a small one either. 

A great big book. A thick book. (Awe yes, water. BIG water..;) Sorry, couldn’t help myself there. That news clip is still fresh in my mind….
Life is a beefy book-
War of the worlds, 

Moby Dick, 

War & Peace.. you get the point. 

 I use to see my life as one long chapter. I use to be sad when people would come in and out of my life. I also use to be sad when I’d dive into a hobby and learn all about it…. then get bored a couple months later, moving on to another hobby.

I have a lot of empathy, and I have always seen it as an asset to my life. Yet, nowadays, not so much. There is a fine line where empathy towards others can consume your whole inner being. You start to feel drained. As if you have nothing left to give. Anyone! You simply…stop loving. 

So there needs to be a balance. 
Life for me now is still a long book. 

But one with many ‘mini’ chapters. Short chapters. Some poems. Even quotes.

And you know, 

I wouldn’t have it any other way.
During spiritual growth, or any growth, really… you out grown things. You stop relating to things that you once were able to relate to. 

Hobbies, People, likes, dislikes. 

You change. For the better.

You evolve.

And at the risk of sounding too new agey, you go through metamorphosis-like stages over and over and over again. 
I still love people. I also still love trying new things and diving in…face first. 

Life excites me again!
And I hope you all are not only living the best version of yourself, but enjoying the life you have chosen for yourself. 

Don’t lose your JOY in living! 

Meditate and Pray. Find your perfect balance.

Half of my life is over…

I’ve been sick in bed this past week and it’s  given me a time to reflect on the last ten years of my life.

My birthday is coming up next month, which makes me well aware, that half of my life is probably over. Providing, I live to be a ripe old age.

Ten years ago I hoped I’d make it to age seventy. But as you get older, and really start enjoying who you are, and how much of life there is still to live, you want to live a longer life. You want to see more. Do more. Experience more!  

At least that’s how it’s been for me. 

Looking back at my life ten years ago, I was a mess!  I thought I had it all figured out, but looking back only ten years ago, danggg! I was a mess! But I’m really alright with coming to this conclusion ten years later. 

Some things that I would have liked to tell myself ten years ago:

1. Stop giving people your time who do not value it. Save it for the people who do. 

2. Don’t get so upset over things that are out of your control.

3. Be a leader, never follow. (Unless it’s Christ.)

4. Be comfortable with who you are. 

5. Do what you love, even if it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, or even if you suck at it. If you enjoy it, do it! πŸ˜‰

And that’s probably it. Nothing too major. 
Now back to sleep. I have a big day tomorrow, which means mind over matter, theraflu, and a smile. πŸ™‚

We are celebrating my daughters 21rst Birthday in style tomorrow. Just thinking about her, and how far she has come in this past year. Makes my eyes tear up. 

I’m so proud of her. I’ve managed to raise a Boss Girl! She’s just remarkable. 

Week in Review

It has been the start to a busy new season for me.

These past couple of weeks I started Birthday and Christmas shopping, on top of my weekly sourcing. And yes! I’m getting mentally prepared for Black Friday. Well, Thursday, actually.

Four out of five of my kids birthdays are coming up. And my husbands birthday is the month of October too. Not to mention my own birthday. Which I don’t actually celebrate anymore. I mean, 29 forever, right?! πŸ˜‰

The weekends are already booked with parties and Fall Festivals.

I did manage to spend the weekend with a couple friends who I have not hung out with in a while.
I have no internet service up where they live, so I was able to not work at all.

I am on my phone a lot… either listing, looking for inventory, researching or editing pictures. So it was a much needed break,  to just relax and catch up.

When I came back home I was right back to my normal routine of taking care of my family and well, routine. People ask me if doing the same thing week after week ever gets boring.. and the truth is, it doesn’t. I’m very maternal, so I love taking care of my kids and spending time with them. We start talking and three hours easily passes by.  I have one daughter in College. She’s coming home for Fall break this weekend. So I’m really looking forward to that.

I do my best to utilize time when it presents itself. But I’m definetly not perfect with time management. I bought a pretty vintage daily planner, but I just can’t bring myself to use it. I like to have the option of changing plans at the last minute. As much as I want to go back in time and plan every aspect of my life… I just can’t go there.
Getting back to boring….

What I would find boring is having a regular job and dealing with the same people all of the time. Even though I am a people person, I like talking to different people all the time. Whether through the Internet, or just out sourcing.

That said,  I’m very particular to who I share my time with nowadays. And it has made me a much happier, stable person. Either you are an investment to my life, and we lift one another up some how, or you don’t.  Life is too short to not live life to its fullest. 

Regardless of your circumstances…Is what I mean. I love life!

What’s new with Inventory…

Six out of the ten pairs of shoes I bought this past week  have already sold. I also picked up some scrubs that have been selling. I’m currently contemplating on whether to get into toys. I just gave away about $500 worth of zu-zu pets, with their accessories… Along with all my kids old Polly pockets and barbies.

 To be honest,  I have looked at toys for so many years, I’m just over it. Gosh! That sounds harsh. New life chapters began though. And that has been my focus.

I have a few things to list today after school.

Some Luluroe leggings, a couple of purses, and some statement sleeve tops.

I’m pretty set for this month. I do like to keep a dozen shoes in all sizes available though. Shoes sell very well. In fact, I just made an extensive list of shoe brands to share here.


And if your business is thrifting…. 

It’s hard work, but keep it up! 

You WILL reach your goals. πŸ˜‰
Extensive shoe list:

Top ((((Flats)))) that sell for over $50 per pair.


Louis Vuitton 





Tory Burch


Salvatore Vergamamo




Alexander McQueen 

Henry Cuir

Paul Green

Free People Royals

Kate Spade

Gianvito Rossi

Sofia Webster


Jimmy Choo


Miu Miu

Paul Andrew

Stubbs & Wooutton


Charlotte Olympia 



Nickolas Kirkwood

J Crew color blocks
Comme Des GarΓ§ons 

Corso Roma


Alexandre Birman 

London Sole

Ted Baker



Cole Haan

Stewart Weizmann 



Jenni Kayne


Roger Vivier


Jack Rogers

Dolce Gabbana 


Certain Algeria prints 

Certain Dansco prints

Disney crocs

Vionic black ballet 

Jeffery Campbell


Lilly Pulitzer



Doc Martins

Certain Coach

Certain Micheal Kors 

Marc Jacobs


LL bean 

Embellished Aldo

Sam Edelman

Donald Pliner flats

Keep in mind that these are flats only, I have not checked on these brands in heels, boots, oxfords, etc. but for flats, these brands are currently selling well.