Question of the Day

How has technology changed your job?

Being a full time reseller would not be possible without an online presence. That said, if the whole internet e-commerce disappeared, I’d gladly go back to a more conventional line of work. Technology has handicapped us all.

Tired of being so Tired

As I am laying bed wanting to cry, my mind is thinking about all of the things I wish I had the energy to do.

Gosh-darn, how I did not feel this way 8-10 years ago. In fact, I never thought being middle age would physically feel like this.
Despite my mother always telling me that after 45, it’s all down hill.

As is, I live and run on caffeine to get the bare minimum done.

I wake and caffeinate. Seven days a week.

I feel as if I’m given a handful amount of energy each day, and once I use it up, I’m spent! Done!

Ready for bed… and it is only 4:30pm right now.

Last night I had seven hours of sleep, but I did wake 3x and it takes 15-20 minutes to fall back to sleep.
So perhaps it was more of six hours.

I woke up. Cleaned my ferrets cage and let them out to play. Made breakfast.
Showered and dressed for church.

I was at church for just under four hours.
After church I went to the grocery store. Came home, put the groceries away.
Took my makeup off.
Changed my clothes.
Made lunch.
Watched two episodes of The Middle with the kids.
Wrapped six items from my store.
I inventoried a dozen items.
Edited this week’s video with my husband.
I and am now upset because I have four loads of laundry that still need putting away.
No one is going to help me, so it’s going to sit until I do it.

Several dozen more things to inventory.
I have two more videos to make and forty items to detag and take pictures of.
(Then they will also need to be inventoried)
My bathroom needs cleaning.
My ferrets cage needs another wipe down. My bedroom needs a vacuum.
My dresser drawers need a deep clean.
Oh! And the front porch needs a sweep!

Never mind that my daughter would probably love to be playing a board game with me, and my husband would love some time.

I don’t want to be that person that complains about their health 24/7….


I am secretly wondering if my chronic fatigue,thyroid disease, spinal stenosis, and osteoporosis bone disorder has caught up with me. Or, are what’s combined, slowing me down.
These are the things that I have had a doctor diagnose me with.

Or is there something else that I have that I am not aware of yet?

Or, is this was a 51 year old feels like on an average day?!

I have no one my age to compare my life with. But I’m so tired of feeling every day as a struggle.
My husband is my age and is only able to put in his forty hours at work, and drive to and fro… and perform his weekly ministry at church. (sound board)And go to the dump once a week. Other than that, he’s don’t too!

We are both so tired all of the time.

I’d love to spend a week, or make that a month in a cabin in the woods. Not having to do anything.

Long gone are my energizer bunny, extroverted- personality days.

I want to do nothing. But still have things done..

Monday through Friday it takes me twice the caffeine to work, get my household things done, and then drag myself to the gym before supper. I force a hour workout, in hopes for more energy. But that has not happened.
I don’t get an adrenaline boost from working out anymore.
In fact, I had more energy 85lbs ago!!

At the gym I start with four miles on the bike, and then I do the thirty minute circuit training routine with the machines. My doctor told me that strength training is what I need for my bone disease because I do not want to take meds. Life expectancy is eighteen years, and I’m okay with this.

Someone told me to try eating carbs again. I have, and still feel the same. Carbs don’t even give me energy. 😟

Question of the Day

What tattoo do you want and where would you put it?

Ha! I have one too many now. And I wish I didn’t have any. I’m still old school, and feel as they downgrade your body. in my opinion, no one looks good with a tattoo.

When I was 21, I got a sunshine on my ankle to represent the sunshine state, where I was born.

Big mistake to me now.

Tired of being so nice

Can anyone relate?

I’ve lived by the phrase…do onto others as you’d have them done to you, but as I’m getting older and I have been taken advantage of so much, hurt too! As we all have, I’m finding myself thinking, Stop it! Do unto others as they have done to you.

People assume that if you are a believer, then you are obligated to be in a constant state of turning the other cheek.

But when is enough is enough?!

I’m tired of being the one to always go that extra mile, and feeling taken advantage of.

I really am.

Maybe it’s my inner former mean girl arising.

People always say with age comes wisdom, and I’m definitely in tune with myself changing. They also say that you turn into your mother, as you age.

Maybe it’s that.

Of course maybe it’s just the way we are evolving as a country. People are so different than they were before social media.


People are more Selfish . Self seeking. Lack of empathy. Self serving.

People want from you, but expect to never be asked for a favor in return. There really is no, one hand washes the other, or pay it forward. People are quick to believe anything bad, without ever searching for truth. In fact, people say truth does not even exist. And each of us are to have our own truth. How messed up is that?!

People no longer believe 2+ 2 =4 Or, that the sky is blue.

It’s a world that is no longer enjoyable. Up until now, I’ve always been able to look past all the evil.

But as I’m in the last part of my life, it’s getting harder to see past it all.

That said, is it that we were created for these days, like the song says.

Do we need to dig deeper and try to shine past it all?

Question of the day

What strategies do you use to cope with negative feelings?

As a Christian, I lift each in prayer as it enters my mind. I omit negative situations and people from my life that make me feel negative, mentally.. Best mental health decision I’ve ever made. Negativity breeds negativity I have learned. Much like positivity breeds positivity.